aka. The Multiplicity of Perception

Sam Manera - 2010, San Francisco
Interactive multi-media installation

This piece addresses issues of the disjuncture of both the visual and physical perception, a point at which the active observer experiences a break in the hand eye coordination. The viewer is able to create a diorama inside the box that exists in real time, but is only visible on the projection screen. One must use the projected image to see what it is they are touching, all the while the leaving viewer with challenge of deciphering the notion of object vs. representation.

Sam Manera is a practicing Artist who currently lives in San Francisco. Sam’s mediums of choice include: Experimental Film/Video, Photography, Kinetic sculpture, and Interactive Media installations. He specializes in alternative techniques and mixing of mediums. Sam’s work has been displayed in several galleries in the bay area as well as in Houston and Marfa Texas.

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Artists' Television Access
992 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

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